Wednesday, September 10, 2008

After more thinking...

In response to one of my previous comments. I'm still in the thought stage, so if you could bare with me, I'm still storming idea's. I already changed it in my head a bit after talking to some of the CHS staff about the idea. I've gotten one idea from the female councilor (can not remember her name) about making something new and sending it to ed line. My project would be more of a recreation project for the new CHS dashboard. But, I'm still in the thought stage, and not 100% sure of an idea. All I've gathered is I want to do something involving the adobe programs, and the new "dashboard" inspired me a bit.

1 comment:

Kristen Dixon said...

But, EdLine is not just used by City high, it is used nationally... What do you plan on suggesting then?

And thanks for the feedback... But I really don't know how to turn planting things into a project. Sure I'm gardening in Ecology, but thats a group project I'm getting graded on already.

And I was thinking of the squirrel rehab thing because it is a challenge. Rather than just putting plants or trees in the ground. I have time to build trust with a shelter, and I have found a few sites that talk about how to raise a squirrel and what not...